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프란치스칸 성인/성지


성녀 마리 에르민느와 동료 순교자들

마리아의 전교자 프란치스꼬회 일곱 명의 성녀들

Santa María Herminia de Jesús y Compañeras, Mártires de China

Franciscan Missionaries of Mary martyrs in Shanxi

beheaded on 9 July 1900 at Taiyuanfu, China

Beatified : 24 November 1946 by Pope Pius XII

Canonized : 1 October 2000 by Pope John Paul II

성녀 마리 에르민느

Santa Maria Ermellina di Gesù (Irma Grivot)

일곱 명의 성녀들

마리아의 전교자 프란치스꼬 수녀회 수녀 일곱 명은

1859년 3월 12일 프랑스 마르세유를 떠나 5월 4일 중국 타이완 후에 도착했다.

그들은 세상 끝까지 평화의 복음을 선포하라는 그리스도의 부르심에 이끌려

중국이라는 완전히 낯설고 새로운 세상으로 자신을 내던졌다.

200명의 고아와 수많은 환자들이 생명을 가져다주는 여성의 손길을 기다리고 있었다.

▶ 마리아의 전교자 프란치스꼬 수녀회의 타이완 후 공동체

자신들의 세계와는 너무나 다른 세계와 문화 안에서 관계를 맺고 친교가 자라나기를 기다리는 것,

자신들에게 오는 많은 사람들의 필요 앞에서 느끼는 한계와 고통, 겸손과 창의력,

온유함과 강함으로 봉사하고, 계산하지 않고 내어주는 너그러움...

그 공동체의 모든 생활 한 가운데에는 원천이요 반석인 그리스도가 계셨다.

마음을 뜨겁게 하는 말씀과 거행되고 조배 받으며 생활되는 성체로서.

공동체는 또한 그들이 생활하고 성장하고 쉬기 위한 장소요, 다시 다른 사람에게로 나아가기 위한 장소였다.

▶ 1900년 7월9일

이 때 중국에는 폭력이 난무하고 있었다. 그 원인은 많고도 복합적이며, 때로는 모순되기도 하였다.

그 폭력은 특히 그리스도교 공동체와 선교사들을 향했다.

6월 27일, 상황이 극도로 긴장되었다. 수녀들을 피신시키려는 주교에게

마리 에르민느는 모두를 대신하여 이렇게 말하였다.

"저희가 하느님의 사랑을 위하여 주교님들과 함께 죽는 것을 막지 말아주십시오. ...

저희는 이곳에 애덕을 행하려 왔고, 필요하다면 그리스도의 사랑을 위하여 피까지도 흘리러 왔습니다."

7월 9일 오후 4시경 군인들이 이들을 끌고 갔다. 학살이 시작되었다. 수녀들이 마지막으로 쓰러졌다.

그들은 서로 포옹하며 찬미의 노래인 떼데움을 부르면서 군인들에게 자신들의 머리를 내어놓았다.

▶ 그들은 누구인가?

성녀 마리 에르민느

Santa Maria Ermellina di Gesù (Irma Grivot) Suora Francescana, martire in Cina

S. Marie-Hermine de Jésus (Irma Grivot)


born: 28 April 1866 in Beaune (France). 프랑스인, 34세.

"우리 주변에 일어나는 모든 사건 안에서 하느님의 손길을 느낀다면

우리는 지치지 않고 그분께 감사드릴 것입니다."

성녀 마리 아망딘느.

Santa Maria Amandina (Paulina Jeuris) Suora Francescana, martire in Cina


born:28 December 1872 at Herk-la-Ville, in Belgium.벨기에인, 28세.

"제가 가진 모든 것, 저의 생명, 마음, 활동, 저의 노래까지...

죽음이 저를 데려갈 때까지 예수님, 당신이 저를 차지하십시오"

성녀 마리아 끼아라.

Santa Maria Chiara (Clelia Nanetti) Suora Francescana, martire in Cina

born:on 9 January 1872 at Santa Maria Maddalena, the province of Rovigo, in Italy.이탈리아인, 28세

"예수님, 당신께서 부르실 때, 저는 언제나 준비되어 있습니다."

성녀 마리 드 생뜨 나딸리.

Santa Maria di Santa Natalia (Giovanna Maria Kerguin) Suora Francescana, martire in Cina

S. Marie de Sainte Nathalie (Jeanne-Marie Kerguin)


born:5th May 1864 in Belle-Isle en Terre, in Brittany.프랑스인, 36세.

"좋으신 주님, 저는 언제나 당신께 감사를 드려야 합니다."

성녀 마리 아돌핀느

Santa Maria Adolfina (Anna Caterina Diercks) Suora Francescana, martire in Cina

S. Marie Adolphine (Anna Dierkx)


born: 8 March 1866 in Holland. 네덜란드인, 34세.

"예수님께서 제가 주신 모은 은총,

특히 선교사의 소명에 충실할 수 있도록 저를 위하여 기도해 주십시오"

성녀 마리 드 생 쥐스트.

Santa Maria di San Giusto (Anna Francesca Moreau) Suora Francescana, martire in Cina

S. Marie de Saint Just (Anne Moreau)

born: 9 April 1866 in the little village of la Faye, in Atlantic-Loire.프랑스인, 34세.

"나는 내 생명을 중국인들을 위하여 바치고 싶습니다."

성녀 마리 드 라 뻬

Santa Maria della Pace (Marianna Giuliani) Suora Francescana, martire in Cina

S. Maria della Pace (Marianna Giuliani)

born: Aquila in Italy on 13 December 1875. 이탈리아인, 25세.

"올해 주님은 제 안에서 신비로운 방법으로 일하십니다.

저는 그저 저를 위해 마련해두신 그 길로 인도되어 가도록 저 자신을 내어놓을 뿐입니다."

▶ 시성

2000년 10월 1일,

교황 요한 바오로 2세는 이들 일곱 여성들을 포함한 120명의 중국 순교자들을 성인으로 선포하였다.

마리아의 전교자 프란치스코 수녀회 소개

1877년 보편적 선교를 목표로 창립된 최초의 여자 수도회입니다.

74개 국적 7922명의 자매들이 76개국에서 언어, 문화와 생활 양식의 다양함 가운데서

하느님 나라의 일치를 증거하는 국제 공동체를 이루면서 하느님의 사랑을 전하기 위해서라면

모든 것을 떠나 파견된 그 어느 곳에든 갈 준비가 되어 있는 선교사들이지요.

마리아의 전교자 프란치스꼬회는 조건 없이 하느님의 뜻에 "예" 하셨던 마리아처럼,

성체를 관상하며 선교에 헌신할 힘을 얻는 마리아의 사도가 되어

겸손하고 가난하신 그리스도의 발자취를 따르신 프란치스코처럼,

단순함과 평화와 기쁨으로 세상 한 가운데서 복음을 생활하는 자매들의 공동체랍니다.

마리아의 전교자 프란치스꼬회 자매들의 정신은모든 민족, 모든 곳에

평화의 복음을 선포하신 프란치스코 성인의 자세를 따릅니다.

프란치스꼬처럼 우리도 우리 생활과 말로써 온 세상을 향하여

사랑이신 하느님께서 우리를 구원하셨다는 기쁜 소식을 선포합니다.

우리 생활의 중심은 성체입니다.

우리 전 존재의 뿌리는 하느님께 대한 관상에 있습니다.

하느님은 사람이 되시기까지, 자신의 생명을 바치기까지 인간을 사랑하시어

마침내 모든 이에게 부활의 희망을 주신 사랑이시며 삼위일체이신 분이십니다.

바로 이 사랑이 다른 이의 생명을 위하여 자신을 바치도록 우리를 재촉합니다.

단순함, 기쁨, 형제애, 가난한 이들에 대한 사랑,

전교적인 열정이 이 사랑에 대한 경탄에서 우러나옵니다.

우리는 다함께 공동체 안에서 생활합니다.

하느님은 공동체 안에서 참된 친교를 창조하시며 사랑의 일치를 체험하게 해 주십니다.

공동체 안의 친교와 사랑은 우리가 파견된 그곳 사람들에게 차고도 넘치어 하느님 사랑을 증거합니다.

(마리아의 전교자 프란치스코수녀회홈에서)


*성 그레고리오 주교,성 아우구스티노 지오롱 사제와 동료 순교자(중국의 순교자)

축일: 7월8일(7월9일) 게시판1260번

*복녀 마리아 아쏜따(아순타) 빨로따 축일:4월7일.인창동성당게시판1699번


♬십자가 지고 가시는(Guitar)-가톨릭성가123번




8 de julio

Santa María Herminia de Jesús y Compañeras, Mártires de China ( 1900)

. Entre los muchos mártires de la persecución desencadenada por los «Boxers» de China en 1900, se encuentran siete Franciscanas Misioneras de María, que son las protomártires de su Congregación. Habían llegado el año anterior a la misión de Taiyuanfu y allí mismo, junto con San Gregorio Grassi y compañeros franciscanos, inmolaron sus vidas en testimonio de la fe en Cristo. Todos ellos fueron beatificados por Pío XII en 1946, y canonizados por Juan Pablo II el año 2000. Su fiesta se celebra el 8 de julio.

A través de estas páginas queremos acercarnos a la vida de siete misioneras que sufrieron la muerte, por su fe cristiana, junto con obispos, sacerdotes, seminaristas y laicos, en la lejana China. Son mártires, es decir, testigos: dieron su vida por fidelidad a Jesús y a su Evangelio.

Hoy como ayer, la savia que alimenta y une a los mártires de antaño y a los de nuestros días, es la misma: la vida de Jesús, Testigo del Amor del Padre, y su mensaje de fraternidad sin fronteras, fraternidad cimentada en la justicia y la misericordia, fraternidad que construye la paz. Estos hombres y mujeres -testigos de hoy y de ayer-, tuvieron y tienen las mismas actitudes de fondo: apertura a Dios, disponibilidad al Espíritu, entrega cotidiana al servicio de la gente, amor verdadero.

Por eso, conocer las vidas de siete misioneras -siete Franciscanas Misioneras de María-, puede ayudarnos a comprender mejor el camino de Dios en nuestras vidas, y suscitar y afianzar en nosotros un compromiso -sencillo pero real- con el Evangelio.

* * *

En 1898, monseñor Francisco Fogolla, obispo coadjutor en Chan-Sí (China), viene a Roma. Desea llevar una comunidad de religiosas misioneras a su lejana misión de ese inmenso país de Asia, en donde crece un pequeño núcleo de nuevos cristianos. Hace falta la presencia de la mujer para expresar, de alguna forma, el misterio del Amor del Dios revelado en y por Jesús, desconocido aún para ese pueblo numeroso, el más numeroso de nuestro planeta.

Encuentra a María de la Pasión, Superiora general y fundadora de una Congregación nueva y que se dice específicamente misionera, es decir, que su razón de ser es llevar a los lugares más lejanos y difíciles la Buena Noticia de la salvación.

El obispo misionero expone las necesidades: organizar un pequeño hospital para los enfermos, ¡que son tantos...!; hacer del orfanato, que ya recoge varios centenares de niños, un espacio educativo más válido; enseñar y promover a las mujeres en lo referente al hogar, la higiene, la alimentación, la dignidad del trabajo... y, desde luego, la catequesis, la oración, el canto. ¡Tantas cosas muy concretas, urgentes e importantes! Habrá que aprender bien el chino para que la comunicación pueda darse normalmente, las costumbres del pueblo... Esto no será fácil; el camino para llegar al Chan-Sí es largo, peligroso, toda una aventura.

María de la Pasión escucha, siente que Dios está deseando enviar allá a sus hermanas. Y después de reflexionarlo largamente, su respuesta es afirmativa: acepta el desafío. Busca entre sus hermanas y propone a algunas la nueva misión. Poco a poco, se va formando el "rostro" del grupo, el cual, como siempre que es posible en el Instituto de las Franciscanas Misioneras de María, se verá constituido por hermanas de diferentes nacionalidades.

He aquí el nombre de las siete que llegan al Chan-Sí:

María Herminia de Jesús, francesa, 33 años, responsable de la comunidad.

María de la Paz, italiana, 24 años, la más joven.

María Clara, italiana, 27 años.

María de Santa Natalia, francesa, 35 años.

María de San Justo, francesa, 33 años.

María Adolfina, holandesa, 33 años.

María Amandina, belga, 27 años.

Martirizadas el 9 de julio de 1900, en Taiyuanfu (China). Beatificadas el 24 de noviembre de 1946, en Roma, por el papa Pío XII. Canonizadas por el papa Juan Pablo II el 1 de octubre del 2000. ¿Quiénes eran?

Siete mujeres, de carne y hueso como nosotros, que salieron de Francia, Bélgica, Italia, Holanda... enviadas a China, al servicio de sus hermanos, por los cuales dieron sus vidas el 9 de julio de 1900.

Siete religiosas con deseos de servir a Dios, a la Iglesia, a la misión... con sus dones, sus límites, su temperamento, su historia.

Siete Franciscanas Misioneras de María que tenían una característica común: el inmenso deseo de abrir sus vidas al Espíritu para responder, hasta el final, a la llamada de Dios.

* * *

Santa María Herminia de Jesús

María Herminia de Jesús (Irma Grivot), alias Ermelina, nació el 28 de abril de 1866 en Beaume (Dijon), Francia. Hogar humilde, su padre construía toneles y su madre se dedicaba al hogar. Irma, de salud delicada, se manifestaba como una niña sencilla, recta, vivaz, afectuosa, sensible hacia la naturaleza y las cosas de Dios. Inteligente y estudiosa, terminó la escuela primaria en 1883.

La vocación religiosa de Irma no fue aceptada ni comprendida por sus padres, y creó, poco a poco, una situación, si no cruel, en todo caso muy dura para la joven, que trató de independizarse dando clases particulares. En 1894 se presenta en Vanves y allí inicia su prenoviciado. Al verla tan delicada de salud, la dejan allí un tiempo para comprobar si podrá resistir la vocación misionera. Su exterior frágil oculta una voluntad de hierro que supera todas las dificultades.

Comienza su noviciado en Los Châtelets (Francia) en julio del mismo año, y recibe el nombre de Marie-Hermine de Jésus. Dicen que el armiño (hermine en francés) es un animal que prefiere la muerte a ensuciarse, y éste será uno de los propósitos de Herminia: «Llevar la fe lejos, siempre intacta, prefiriendo la muerte a la mancha de la deserción». Y así fue su vida y su muerte.

Mujer llena de ternura y firmeza, mujer humilde. Por su paciencia y su caridad supo crear fraternidad por donde iba pasando: en el noviciado, luego en Vanves donde tuvo a su cargo la contabilidad de la casa; más adelante, en Marsella, cuando se preparaba para el cuidado de los enfermos en la misión y, por fin, responsable del grupo en Taiyuanfu, supo conquistar a todos: obispos, sacerdotes, laicas consagradas, niñas, enfermos..., y para sus propias hermanas fue madre, apoyo, animadora... hasta el final.

¿De dónde sacaba esa fortaleza? Una frase suya descubre, en parte, su secreto: «La adoración del Santísimo Sacramento es la mitad de mi vida, la otra mitad consiste en hacer amar a Jesús y ganarle almas».

Misionera ardiente, adoratriz, mujer de un solo amor. Herminia no huyó ante el peligro de una muerte atroz. Supo vivir las palabras del Maestro: «No hay amor más grande que éste: dar la vida por sus amigos» (Jn 15,13).

* * *

Santa María de la Paz

María de la Paz (Marianna Giuliani) nació en L'Aquila (Italia) el 13 de diciembre de 1875. Hogar pobre y, además, con el sufrimiento de un padre de mal carácter que castigaba fácilmente a sus hijos; no permitía la práctica de la religión, y tenían que ir a la Iglesia a escondidas. La madre trabaja, sufre y enseña a sus hijas a amar a María. Pronto la enfermedad hace mella en ella y, a los diez años, Marianna conoce el dolor irreparable de la muerte de su madre.

El padre abandona a sus hijos y los parientes recogen a los huerfanitos. Marianna, inteligente y muy piadosa, es orientada por un tío suyo, religioso franciscano, hacia las Franciscanas Misioneras de María. María de la Pasión la recibe como probanista, es decir, entre las jovencitas que aspiran a ser misioneras. En Francia completa sus estudios y fortalece su vocación.

En 1892 comienza su noviciado. Diversas experiencias en París, donde se encarga de un grupo de jovencitas muy rebeldes, que María de la Paz consigue calmar con su bondad serena, le dan la oportunidad de seguir su proceso de maduración. Luego va a Vanves para hacer sus primeros votos. Más tarde, participa en la fundación de una comunidad en Austria: otra lengua, otras costumbres... Todo esto la va preparando para la partida a la lejana misión china. Allí tendrá a su cargo la organización del orfanato, la parte material de la comunidad y, con su hermosa voz italiana, se encargará también de la música y del coro.

María de la Paz, silenciosa, encontró la fuerza en la unión con Dios, en una oración constante y fiel. La más joven de las siete mártires, tuvo ante la muerte su hora de angustia, de agonía, como Jesús, pero también, como Él, supo decir ¡Sí! Y entregó su vida totalmente. Tenía sólo 24 años.

* * *

Santa María Clara

María Clara (Clelia Nanetti) nació el 9 de enero de 1872 en Santa María Magdalena, provincia de Rovigo (Italia). Sus padres la reciben con alegría; en esta hija todo será rápido, precoz, ardiente. Querida, amada por todos en su casa y en su pueblo, de naturaleza impulsiva, exuberante, rica; inteligente y alegre, asimila todo muy rápidamente: en la escuela, sus maestras tratan de disciplinarla. Al terminar la escuela elemental, se dedica a las tareas del hogar. Es encantadora y el mundo la espera, pero Clelia se siente atraída hacia lo religioso. ¿Será el primer indicio de su vocación religiosa? Sus padres la obligan a ir a un baile, pero en su corazón la elección está hecha. Bernabé, su hermano franciscano, le ayuda en el camino de su entrega a Dios. A los 18 años pide a sus padres ser religiosa, pero éstos piensan que es el idealismo de tantas jóvenes de esa edad. Clelia sabe lo que quiere, y comienza la lucha. Toma conciencia de los sufrimientos, la amargura, los odios, la desesperación... toda la miseria del mundo, y se despierta en ella el deseo de entregarse, de servir, de vivir y anunciar el Evangelio.

A través de su hermano conoce el Instituto de las Franciscanas Misioneras de María, y el horizonte de las misiones se abre ante ella. Su fuerte personalidad la impulsa a una firme decisión, y el 24 de enero de 1892 entra al prenoviciado; en abril del mismo año comienza el noviciado y recibe el nombre de María Clara. Así será su vida, su entrega: naturaleza franca, transparente, ardiente, Clara personifica la misionera alegre, generosa, olvidada de sí, tal vez muchas veces demasiado rápida, pero siempre pronta al sacrificio por los demás.

En China, a la propuesta del obispo de alejarse del lugar del peligro, Clara, exclama: «¿Huir, monseñor? ¡Oh, no! Vinimos para dar nuestra vida por Dios, si fuese necesario».

Sin embargo, como el peligro amenaza también a las huérfanas, monseñor hace preparar dos carros que las llevarán a un pueblo cristiano, y Clara debe acompañar al grupo. Pero, la puerta ya está bloqueada y deben volver... Su deber cumplido, la misionera regresa contenta...

En el combate final, dicen que fue Clara la primera en recibir el golpe mortal... tal vez su elevada estatura llamaba la atención... tal vez porque lo que veía como voluntad de Dios lo hacía siempre rápidamente... Su última palabra fue, sin duda, la que constantemente repetía: «¡Siempre adelante!»

* * *

Santa María de Santa Natalia

María de Santa Natalia (Jeanne-Marie Kerguin) nació el 5 de mayo de 1864 en Belle-Isle-en-Terre (Bretaña, Francia). Hija de campesinos sencillos y pobres, la jovencita sabe de esos juegos limpios y serenos de las familias de los pueblos: correr por praderas y montañas, llevar flores a la estatua de la Virgen... Aprende las primeras letras con la maestra del pueblo, y también a tejer, cocinar, cuidar animales en su casa; aprende el catecismo y se prepara con esmero a su Primera Comunión. Poco después pierde a su madre, y la niña debe hacer frente a los trabajos de la casa, pero ya el ideal de entregarse a Dios más totalmente va haciendo camino en su corazón.

En 1887 llama a la puerta del noviciado de Francia, que recibe a la joven bretona de ojos azules, ojos que descubren su alma hasta el fondo. Trabaja ordeñando vacas en la granja, lava la ropa..., su alegría nace de esta convicción muy honda en ella: «Todo es grande para quien lo hace con grandeza de alma». Según ella, dos cosas le bastan para ser santa: unirse íntimamente a Dios y amar al cumplir los pequeños servicios cotidianos. Después del noviciado va a París donde se vive una ruda pobreza. María de Santa Natalia la vive con alegría. Sus hermanas la llaman «Fray León», en recuerdo del amigo entrañable de Francisco de Asís.

Su primera partida misionera fue a Cartago, en África del Norte, pero se enferma y debe volver a Italia. Poco a poco descubre el secreto de la Cruz, y escribe: «Estoy contenta de tener algo que sufrir. Cuando se sufre, uno se desprende de la tierra. Dios quiera que lo ame por encima de todas las cosas, puesto que Él fue tan generoso conmigo y me ha hecho tanto bien desde que estoy en el mundo».

En marzo de 1899 es destinada a la nueva fundación en Taiyuanfu. Poco después de la llegada a la misión, su salud será la gran preocupación de la comunidad. Varios meses en cama, con tifus; sufre sin quejarse, con una paciencia increíble, hasta que poco a poco puede recobrar las fuerzas.

No le falta trabajo a la misionera, pero con todas sus compañeras, el 9 de julio, la bretona de ojos azules, apretando su crucifijo entre los dedos, es decapitada. «No tenemos miedo..., la muerte es sólo Dios que pasa», había dicho varias veces.

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Santa María de San Justo

María de San Justo (Anne Moreau) nació el 9 de abril de 1866 en el pueblito de La Faye (Francia). Su padre, agricultor de buena posición, muy caritativo, era conocido en el pueblo por ayudar siempre a los necesitados. La pequeña Anne hereda estas virtudes familiares. Es sensible, valiente, aunque tal vez un poco callada, solitaria, seria. Prefiere estar con su madre a jugar con los demás niños, y así es la preferida y mimada de casa.

Siendo todavía joven pierde a su padre y debe tomar la responsabilidad en la venta de los productos del campo. Pero siente ya la llamada que la empuja a dejar su casa. «Me parece -le dice un día a su prima, que lo recordará después- que Dios me pide hacer algo grande. Quiero ir a China y dar mi vida por los chinos».

Su madre se opone, quiere casarla con un buen partido, pero Anne se mantiene firme y, sin despedirse de los suyos, se va al noviciado en 1890. Comienza con entusiasmo su vida religiosa, a pesar de que su corazón sangra todavía por el desprendimiento de haber dejado la familia. Después viene la prueba: duda de su vocación, no encuentra ya atractivo ni celo apostólico como sentía antes. El trabajo sencillo, «sin brillo», que se le pide, le parece insoportable.

El futuro le da miedo, los escrúpulos le hacen sufrir, duda de la presencia de Jesús en la Eucaristía... ¿Qué hacer? ¿Abandonar este camino? ¿Volver a su casa?... ¡Esto sería lo más fácil! María de San Justo sufre. Reza. Abre su alma a María de la Pasión, su Superiora General: le revela su tortura con plena lealtad, y le dice: «¡No soy nada y antes no lo sabía!» Las palabras que María de la Pasión le pedirá que repita constantemente son las de Jesús: «¡Padre, que se haga tu voluntad y no la mía!»

Durante varios años, esta joven que no conoce el camino de los grandes místicos, continuará sufriendo... barro amasado por el alfarero. Ayudada por María de la Pasión no se volverá atrás y aprenderá a agarrarse a la cruz con todas sus fuerzas, con fe. Poco a poco, vencerá la tentación y la paz invadirá lo más profundo de su ser.

La muerte de su madre agrega dolor a su dolor, pero la voluntad de Dios se ha vuelto su fortaleza. En Vanves, aprende a manejar las máquinas de la imprenta y, además, hace zapatos para las hermanas, y mil pequeños trabajos que ayudan al sostenimiento económico de la comunidad.

Después de sus votos perpetuos es designada para China. Describe el viaje con mucho humor y, ya en la misión, pone todos sus talentos al servicio de la comunidad y de las niñas huérfanas. Escribe en una de sus cartas a María de la Pasión: «Me parece haber vivido siempre aquí. Se lo agradezco a la Virgen, a quien he rezado siempre, y es para mí un consuelo decirle a usted, Madre, que mis pruebas han terminado». Dios da la paz a su misionera, que pronto dará el testimonio supremo del Amor.

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Santa María Adolfina

María Adolfina (Anne Dierkx) nació el 8 de marzo de 1866 en Ossendrecht (Holanda). Hija de un hogar pobre, pierde pronto a su madre, y los seis huerfanitos son recogidos por los vecinos. Anne pasa a vivir con un matrimonio de obreros, más ricos de caridad que de dinero. En la escuela, atenta al estudio, piadosa en la oración, es la primera en el juego, alegre y comunicativa.

Al terminar la escuela primaria, comprende que debe ayudar a su familia adoptiva y se emplea como obrera en la fábrica del pueblo, como empaquetadora de café. Más tarde, pasa a servir en una familia con más posibilidades, y luego, va a la ciudad de Amberes para hacer el mismo trabajo. La joven va madurando su personalidad y su fe: comprende que la alegría verdadera viene de un manantial que no se seca, y que este gozo se obtiene solamente al precio del sufrimiento. Comienza a entrever que un AMOR enorme la llama, y su corazón encuentra paz en el deseo de servir a una fraternidad sin fronteras.

En 1893 entra al noviciado de las Franciscanas Misioneras de María de Holanda, en Amberes. A la pregunta: «¿Cuál es la razón de su deseo de ser religiosa?», responde: «El deseo de sufrir por Nuestro Señor».

Como la mujer fuerte de la Escritura, María Adolfina se entrega sin quejas inútiles a los trabajos más humildes y duros. Derramar su sangre por la fe... Adolfina no se cree digna de ello, pero ¡parte hacia China! «María Adolfina es una hermana a quien se le puede pedir todo», dice su superiora, María Herminia. La propia Adolfina escribe: «Ojalá Jesús me dé la gracia de atraer a su amor a mis ayudantes chinas, pero para ello es necesario que cumpla mi misión como verdadera víctima, entregada totalmente a Dios y a las almas». Y Dios escuchó su deseo. María Adolfina no faltó a la cita con el testimonio de la entrega total de su vida por la fe en Jesús.

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Santa María Amandina

María Amandina (Pauline Jeuris) nació el 28 de diciembre de 1872 en Herk-la-Ville (Bélgica). Hija de padres pobres, cristianos valientes que trabajaron duro para sacar adelante a un hijo y seis hijas, cuatro de las cuales se consagraron a Dios.

A los siete años pierde a su madre, y su padre se ve obligado a emigrar a otro pueblo. Allí, una mujer buena acoge en su casa a las dos más pequeñas, y Paulina recibe cariño y protección. La niña, afectuosa y alegre, conquista a sus protectores.

A los quince años, Paulina entra en la Tercera Orden Franciscana. Su hermana Rosalía fue la primera en entrar al noviciado de las Franciscanas Misioneras de María en Amberes, y recibió el nombre de Marie Honorine. Sólo después que Marie Honorine partió como misionera a Ceylán (hoy Sri-Lanka), Paulina se decidió a entrar al noviciado, y poco después la siguió su hermana Matilde.

María Amandina era sencilla, alegre, generosa, verdadera franciscana. Su buen humor y su relación fácil atraía y creaba en torno a ella un ambiente fraterno de serenidad y gozo. Fue enviada a Marsella para prepararse a servir a los enfermos en el hospital de Taiyuanfu. De allí embarca para la misión. El barco pasa por Ceylán y, en Colombo, capital y puerto, se encuentra con su hermana Honorine. La alegría mutua fue bien grande, y luego la despedida: «¡Hasta la vista... en el cielo!»

En la misión, entrega lo mejor de ella misma en el dispensario. Así describe su trabajo a su Superiora General: «Hay 200 huérfanas, entre ellas muchas están enfermas; las cuidamos lo mejor posible. Los enfermos de fuera vienen también para curarse. Si usted viera a estos infelices se quedaría horrorizada. Es difícil imaginar las llagas que tienen, agravadas por la falta de higiene. Gracias a Dios pude aprender algo en Marsella y hago lo que puedo para darles alivio».

El trabajo era grande y continuo. Vida de sacrificio, sin descanso, aceptada con una fortaleza alegre.

«La Hna. Amandina es, por temperamento, la más joven entre nosotras -escribe María Herminia-, canta y ríe todo el día. No está mal. Al contrario, la cruz de una misionera debe ser llevada con gozo». Los chinos la llaman «la hermana europea que ríe siempre».

Pasó noches y días velando a María de Santa Natalia durante su enfermedad; y siguió con el trabajo constante con los enfermos hasta que, al final, también ella cae enferma, grave... No hay muchos medios, pero poco a poco, su naturaleza sana se rehace, y continúa su servicio.

En una de sus últimas cartas, María Herminia cuenta: «María Amandina decía esta mañana que ella no pedía a Dios que salve la vida a los mártires, sino que les dé fortaleza». Y ella, en efecto, continuaba preparando sus medicinas, cantando como siempre. Su alegría admiraba a los que estaban encarcelados con ella. Con toda seguridad, cantó el «Te Deum» hasta el final, porque el Señor le había regalado la alegría franciscana, alabanza al Señor Dios, Sumo Bien, todo Bien, único Bien, según la oración de Francisco de Asís.

[Texto tomado de la página web oficial de las Franciscanas Misioneras de María: http://www.fmm.org/esp/cap2.Mart-esp.htm]

Franciscan Missionaries of Mary

martyrs in Shanxi

In 1898, at the request of auxiliary Bishop, Francisco Fogolla of Shanxi, Mother Mary of the Passion, founders of the Institute, Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, nominated seven sisters to go to that diocese in China to serve the poor in hospitals, and care for the unwanted or other destitutes in orphanages and other various ways, so that their presence would proclaim God is unconditional love, and that He loves all without distinction of race or rank. For many, it seemed folly to send Sisters from Europe to such a far-away place as China, when long voyages and transportation were tedious, dangerous and uncomfortable, when living conditions were precarious and health-threatening.

Marie-Hermine de Jésus (Irma Grivot)

She was born on 28 April in Beaune (France). A modest family: her father was a cooper and her mother looked after the house. Irma, of fragile health, was a simple child, upright, lively, affectionate, sensitive by nature and open to God. Intelligent and studious, she completed her studies in 1883, with an elementary certificate. Her religious vocation was neither understood nor accepted by her parents and this made her position very difficult for her. She tried to become more independent by giving private tuition. In 1894, she went to Vanves, on the outskirts of Paris, where she began her pre-novitiate. Her fragile appearance made it necessary for her to spend some time in this community; it was necessary to make sure that her strength would permit her to commit herself to a missionary life. But behind her fragile appearance was hidden an iron will which overcame all difficulties. She began her novitiate in Les Châtelets, near Saint Brieuc (France), in July of that same year, and received the name of Marie Hermine de Jésus. The hermine is an animal which prefers death to being tarnished - so goes the saying - and this would be one of Hermine's resolutions. Such was her life, such was her death. A woman full of tenderness and firmness ... A humble woman. Her patience and her charity could create a homely atmosphere wherever she went: in the novitiate, then in Vanves where she took care of the accounts of the house and later in Marseilles where she was trained in the care of the sick; finally as superior of the group in Taiyuanfu. She knew how to win hearts: bishops, priests, lay consecrated people, children, the sick ... And for her own sisters, she was mother, support, animator ... till the end. From where did she draw this strength? Her words unfold part of her secret : "Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is half my life. The other half consists in loving Jesus and winning souls for Him." An ardent missionary, adorer, a single-hearted woman. Marie-Hermine did not flee in face of the danger of death. She knew how to live the Master's words "There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for those one loves" (Jn 15:13).

Maria della Pace (Marianna Giuliani)

She was born in Aquila in Italy on 13 December 1875. A poor home, a father with a difficult character, who easily got into a rage and did not tolerate any religious practice - to go to Church one had to do it stealthily - and the mother worked, suffered, taught her daughters to love Mary. But illness took her away all too soon, and at the age of ten Marianna experienced the deep sorrow of losing her mother. The father abandoned them; some other parents adopted the orphans. Marianna who was intelligent and fervent was directed by an uncle to the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary. Mary of the Passion received her as a "probationer", that is to say, among the young girls who aspired to being missionaries. She completed her studies and strengthened her vocation in France. She began her novitiate in 1892. She had various experiences in Paris where she was given the responsibility of a group of young, very difficult girls ... Marie de la Paix, with her serene kindness, succeeded in calming them down and gave them the opportunity to continue their growth in maturity ... Then, she went to Vanves where she made her First Vows. Later she shared in the foundation of a community in Austria: another language, other customs ... All this prepared her for a departure further away, towards China. There, she was given the responsibility of organising the orphanage, the material work of the community and also the music and singing, for she was gifted with a beautiful voice. Silent, Marie de la Paix drew her strength from union with God, in constant prayer. The youngest of the seven, in the face of death, she had her hour of anguish, of agony like Jesus, but like Him also, she knew how to say "Yes" and gave herself up totally. She was only 25 years old.

Maria Chiara (Clelia Nanetti)

She was boron on 9 January 1872 at Santa Maria Maddalena, the province of Rovigo, in Italy. Her parents received her with joy: she was lively, precocious, ardent ... loved by all - her family and the people of the village - of an impulsive nature, exuberant, intelligent and joyful, she grasped everything very quickly. In school, her teachers tried to discipline her. After Primary School, she helped in the house. She was charming, everybody waited for her, but very soon Clelia felt attracted to another ideal. What was the first indication of her religious vocation? Her parents obliged her to go the Ball, but the choice was already made in her heart. Barnabé, her Franciscan brother, helped her on her journey of offering herself to God. At eighteen years of age, she asked her parents to allow her to be a religious, but they thought this was just an idealism of youth. Clelia knew what she wanted and the struggle began. She experienced suffering, bitterness, hatred, despair ... every kind of misery of this world. The desire to give herself, to serve, to live and proclaim the Gospel grew in her. She came to know the Institute of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary through her brother and the missionary horizon opened out before her. Her strong personality urged her towards to a firm decision and, on 24 January 1892, she entered the pre-novitiate; then, in April she began her novitiate and received the name of Maria Chiara. "Clare" (clear) and such was her life and her offering; a frank nature, transparent, ardent, Chiara personified missionary joy, being generous and self-forgetful, often too hasty but always ready to sacrifice for others. In China, confronted with the bishop's suggestion to leave because of the danger, Chiara exclaimed: "Monsignor, flee? No. We came to give our lives for God if needs be!" However, since the orphans, too, were in danger, Monsignor was preparing two cars to take them away to a Christian village, and Chiara was to accompany the group. But the gates of the town were already blocked and they had to come back ... Having accomplished her duty, she returned happy ... In the final trial, Chiara was the first, they say, to receive the mortal blow ... Perhaps her height attracted attention ... Was it, perhaps, that she always went forward too quickly towards what she thought was God's will? ... Her last words were doubtless those she so often repeated: "Onward always!"

Marie de Sainte Nathalie (Jeanne-Marie Kerguin)

She was born on 5th May 1864 in Belle-Isle en Terre, in Brittany. Daughter of humble and poor peasants she knew the simple games of the village children: to run through hills and vales, to carry flowers to the statue of the Blessed Virgin. She learned to read in the village school and at the same time to weave, to cook, to look after domestic animals ... She went for Catechism classes and carefully prepared herself for her profession of faith. Shortly afterwards, while still a child, she lost her mother and had to face the housework, but already the desire to give herself totally to God was making a path in her heart. In 1887 she knocked at the door of the novitiate in France, which was close to her village and the young Breton whose blue eyes revealed her transparent soul to its depths, was received there. She worked on the farm, looked after the cows, did the laundry ... Her joy was born of a deep conviction that "everything is big for one who accomplishes it with a large heart". Two things sufficed for her: to be intimately united to God and to love while accomplishing the smallest services of each day ... After her novitiate she was sent to Paris where poverty was very acute. Marie de Sainte Nathalie accepted it joyfully. Her sisters called her "Brother Leo" in remembrance of Leo the beloved companion of Francis of Assisi. Her first departure was for Carthage in North Africa, but she fell ill and had to return to Italy. Little by little she discovered the secret of the cross and she wrote: ... "I am happy to have to suffer. When one suffers one is detached from the world. God wishes that I love more than all else; He has been so generous to me and has done so much for me since I came into this world." In March 1899 she was destined for the new foundation of Taiyuanfu. Shortly after her arrival in China, her health became a great concern for the community. She spent several months in bed with typhus. She suffered unceasingly with unbelievable patience and finally recovered some of her strength little by little. Work was not wanting to her ... but on 9th July, with all her companions, the young Breton with blue eyes was beheaded. "Do not be afraid ... Death is only God who is passing by ... " she had said several times ...

Marie de Saint Just (Anne Moreau)

She was born on 9 April 1866 in the little village of la Faye, in Atlantic-Loire. Her father, a well-to-do farmer, was known in the village for his charity, his help towards those in need. Anne inherited these family virtues. She was sensitive and courageous though sometimes a bit silent, aloof and serious. She preferred to stay with her mother rather than play with the other children, being also the 'spoilt child' of the house. While still young she lost her father and had to assume the responsibilities of selling the agricultural produce. But she already felt the call to leave the house. "It seems to me", she confided one day to a cousin who remembered this, "that God is asking something big of me. I want to go to China and give my life for the Chinese." Then came the trial: she doubted her vocation which did not seem so attractive now and she did not feel that same apostolic zeal. The simple work without any show, seemed unbearable to her ... The future made her afraid, she suffered from scruples, doubted the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist ... What to do: give up this road? Return home? That would be so easy. Marie de Saint Just was suffering. She prayed and opened her heart to Mary of the Passion, her superior general. In all loyalty, she revealed to her the torture she was going through and said: "I am nothing and did not know it". The words that Mary of the Passion asked her to pray constantly were those of Jesus: "Father, may your will, not mine, be done". For several years the young sister who did not know the way of the great mystics, continued to suffer ... clay kneaded by the potter. Helped by Mary of the Passion, she did not recoil but learned to stand firm by the cross with all her faith and all her strength. Little by little she overcame temptation and peace reigned in the depths of her being. Her mother's death added to her sorrow, but God's will became her strength. In Vanves she learned how to use the printing machines, to make shoes for her sisters and to perform a thousand other little tasks to help and sustain the community. After her Perpetual Vows, she was sent to China. She described the voyage humorously and on her arrival put all her talents at the service of the community and the orphans. She wrote: "I feel I have always lived here. I thank the Blessed Virgin to whom I have always prayed, and it is a consolation for me to tell you, Mother, that my trials have ended." God gave peace to this missionary. Soon she would bear the supreme witness of Love.

Marie Adolphine (Anna Dierkx)

She was born on 8 March 1866 in Holland. Daughter of a poor family, she lost her mother very early and the six orphan children were taken in by neighbours. Anne went to live with a family of labourers who were richer in love than in money ... In school, attentive to her study and faithful to prayer, she was also the first in games and was very joyful and communicative. After Primary School, she understood that she had to help her adopted family and worked as a labourer in the village factory, where she packed coffee. Later she was employed by a well-to-do family and then went to Antwerp for the same work. The young Anne matured, her personality and her faith grew; she understood that true joy comes from a spring which never dries up, and that this joy is bought at the price of suffering. She began to perceive an immense love that calls and found peace in the desire to serve within a bigger family without frontiers. In 1893 she entered the novitiate of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary in Antwerp. To the question: "Why do you desire religious life?" she replied: "Because of a desire to serve Our Lord." Like the strong woman of the Scriptures, Marie Adolphine gave herself without any useless complaints, without any noise, to the humblest and most difficult work. Adolphine did not think herself worthy to shed her blood for her faith. But she set out. "Marie Adolphine is a sister of whom we can ask anything" said Hermine, her superior. And she herself wrote: "May Jesus give me the grace to draw my Chinese helpers to His love, but for this I must fulfil my mission as a true victim, given up totally to God and souls." God heard her desire. Marie Adolphine did not miss the rendez-vous. She witnessed by her total gift of her life for her faith in Jesus.

Maria Amandina (Pauline Jeuris)

She was born on 28 December 1872 at Herk-la-Ville, in Belgium. Daughter of simple parents and courageous Christians who worked hard to bring up a boy and six girls of whom four dedicated themselves to God. At seven years of age she lost her mother and her father was obliged to leave for a neighbouring village. There, a woman took the two youngest girls to her home and Pauline found affection and protection in this home. Affectionate and gay, the child very soon won the hearts of her protectors. At fifteen she entered the Secular Third Order of St Francis of Assisi. Her sister Rosalie was the first to enter the novitiate of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary in Antwerp where she received the name of Marie Honorine. It was only after the departure of Marie Honorine for Sri Lanka that Pauline decided to enter the novitiate, followed by her sister Mathilde. Marie Amandine was simple, joyful, generous, truly Franciscan. Her good humour and easily relationships attracted and created around her a homely atmosphere of joyous serenity. She was first sent to Marseilles to be trained in the service of the sick in the future hospital of Taiyuanfu. From there she left for the mission. The boat passed through Sri Lanka and its port, Colombo where she had the joy of meeting her sister Marie Honorine. The joy was mutual and then there was the 'good-bye': "Good-bye ... till heaven!" In the mission she gave the best of herself to the dispensary. She describes her task in these words to her superior general: "There are two hundred orphans, among whom are many sick ones whom we care for as best we can. The sick from outside also come to be cared for. If you saw these patients, you would be horrified. You can't imagine their wounds, aggravated by a lack of hygiene. How fortunate I am to have learned a little of everything in Marseilles. I do all I can to relieve them." In fact, the task was enormous: a life of sacrifice without a break, accepted with joyful endurance. "Sister Amandine is, by age and by nature, the youngest among us", wrote Marie Hermine. "She sings and laughs all day. That is not bad; on the contrary. The cross of a missionary must be borne joyfully". The Chinese called her "The European sister who is always laughing". She passed nights and days watching over and caring for Marie de Sainte Nathalie during her illness, and continued her usual work with the sick, so much so that in the end she fell seriously ill ... There are no great means, but little by little her robust nature overcame everything ... She resumed her service. In one of her last letters, Marie Hermine relates: "Marie Amandine said this morning that she was praying to God not to preserve the martyrs but to strengthen them." And in fact, she herself continued to prepare remedies, singing as usual. Her joy was the admiration of those who were imprisoned with her. Certainly, she to whom God had given Franciscan joy, will have sung the "Te Deum" till the end, that hymn of praise of the Lord God, "Total Good, Unique Good, all Good" according to the prayer of Francis of Assisi.

Santa Maria Ermellina di Gesù (Irma Grivot) Suora Francescana, martire in Cina

9 luglio

Beaune (Digione), 28 aprile 1866 - Tai-yuen-fu (Cina), 9 luglio 1900

Il 1° ottobre del 2000, papa Giovanni Paolo II ha canonizzato un numeroso gruppo di 120 martiri in Cina; beatificati in precedenza in vari gruppi a partire dal 1746 con papa Clemente XIII, fino a Pio XII nel 1951.

E di questa folta schiera di martiri, che comprende vescovi, sacerdoti, catechisti, suore, religiosi, laici, che immolarono la loro vita per la fede, vittime dell’odio anticristiano, c’è un gruppo di 29, tutti appartenenti all’Ordine Francescano, uccisi dai fanatici ‘boxers’ il 9 luglio 1900 a Tai-yuen-fu.

Il gruppo capeggiato liturgicamente dal vescovo Gregorio Grassi, comprende 3 vescovi, 4 sacerdoti, 1 fratello religioso, 7 suore Francescane Missionarie di Maria, 11 laici cinesi del Terz’Ordine di s. Francesco e 3 laici fedeli cinesi; essi vennero beatificati il 27 novembre 1946 da papa Pio XII.

I ‘boxers’erano un duplicato dell’antica e misteriosa associazione “Nenufaro bianco”, che era ostile alla dinastia Manciù e che durante il regno di Kia-king si credé di avere sterminato a furia di decapitazioni; invece i sopravvissuti poterono fuggire e rifugiarsi nella Cina del Sud, dove nel 1853 fondarono un breve regno durato solo 15 anni, chiamato “Regno celeste della pace”; defunto il loro primo sovrano si dispersero, continuando a provocare focolai rivoluzionari dovunque.

Alla fine del sec. XIX, nacque da essi la società del ‘Grande coltello’, dall’equivalente nome cinese, che finisce con il termine significante pugno, gli inglesi, riferendosi a questo termine ed agli esercizi fisici che facevano per acquistare agilità e potenza, li soprannominarono ‘Boxers’.

Detta società aveva come scopo la liberazione della Cina dagli stranieri e di conseguenza lo sterminio dei cristiani considerati loro complici. Nelle uccisioni preferivano i capi delle comunità cristiane, i catechisti, le maestre, i bambini anche di pochi giorni battezzati; con l’aiuto dei bonzi diffondevano contro i cristiani calunnie incredibili.

Con l’imperatrice madre Tz-Hsi i ‘Boxers’ poterono agire in piena libertà, specialmente nelle province intorno a Pechino; i cristiani per cercare di sfuggire alle aggressioni, si organizzarono in villaggi fortificati, ma i ‘boxers’ appoggiati a volte dalle truppe regolari, penetrarono dappertutto compiendo orrende carneficine, come nel villaggio di Tchou-kia-Ho dove furono massacrati migliaia di cristiani.

Detto questo, parliamo ora delle sette Suore Francescane Missionarie di Maria, Congregazione fondata dalla beata francese Maria della Passione (Elena Filippina de Chappotin) [1839-1904], la quale già a 25 anni era a capo di un giovane drappello di vergini Missionarie, con una Regola di vita, tracciata in un momento di ispirazione fra gli archi del Colosseo a Roma.

L’Istituzione nell’anno della morte della fondatrice aveva già più di tremila figlie e 86 Case. Le sette martiri di Tai-yuen-fu fanno parte del primo fortunato gruppo, cresciuto sotto lo sguardo e le cure di Madre Maria della Passione, e che sarebbero diventate “i suoi sette dolori e le sue sette allegrezze”, tutte giovani fra i 25 e 36 anni, mentre la Congregazione aveva appena 25 anni di vita, quando vi fu questo cruento sacrificio.

I loro nomi sono: s. Maria Ermellina di Gesù di 34 anni; s. Maria Chiara di 28 anni; s. Maria di Santa Natalia di 36 anni; s. Maria di San Giusto di 34 anni; s. Maria Adolfina di 34 anni; s. Maria Amandina di 28 anni; s. Maria della Pace di 25 anni.

La Superiora del gruppo era madre Maria Ermellina di Gesù, il cui nome da laica era Irma Grivot, nacque il 28 aprile 1866 a Beaune nella diocesi di Digione in Borgogna; crebbe la sua fanciullezza in un grande fervore religioso; si diplomò come insegnante e già insegnava a Beaune, quando a 27 anni venne il momento della scelta definitiva e quindi nonostante la contrarietà della famiglia, volle entrare nel nuovo Istituto delle Francescane Missionarie di Maria a Vanves e da lì nella Casa del noviziato ai Châtelets nell’incanto dei boschi stupendi, dell’antica residenza estiva dei vescovi di Saint Brieuc.

Il 28 luglio 1894 prese l’abito bianco dell’Istituto e il nome non usuale di Maria Ermellina di Gesù, volendo richiamare il candore di questo piccolo e prezioso animale; Irma Grivot ne fu felicissima e ne andò sempre fiera, perché si considerava “l’ermellino di Gesù”.

La sua condotta, la sua spiritualità colpirono la Madre Generale e fondatrice, la quale la nominò Segretaria della Superiora e Ammonitrice delle Novizie. Nel 1896 venne trasferita a Vanves presso i laboratori artigiani e la tipografia dell’Istituto, interamente gestiti dalle suore e suor Maria Ermellina fu messa alla contabilità della gestione, circondata dalle sale della tipografia.

L’attività così diversa dalla normale vita delle suore in genere, non la distraeva dal suo unico pensiero: “essere la sposa di Cristo” e così l’8 settembre 1896, pronunciò i suoi voti. Trascorsero circa tre anni, tutta presa nel suo lavoro e spargendo intorno a sé una gioia contagiosa, suscitando l’ammirazione delle sue Superiore.

Nel 1898 la Madre Generale la chiamò a Roma, per darle una preparazione più specifica per le missioni, questa possibilità fece fare al suo cuore balzi di gioia, in quanto sin da ragazza aveva coltivato quest’ideale missionario; la sua meta era lo Shan-si in Cina. Stette a Roma tre mesi, lasciando nelle suore un ricordo indimenticabile; nel febbraio 1899 lasciò Roma per imbarcarsi a Marsiglia, dove trovò le compagne di viaggio, a loro si unirono anche i missionari francescani con a capo mons. Fogolla e tutti insieme salparono verso l’Oriente il 12 marzo 1899.

Madre Maria Ermellina tenne del lunghissimo viaggio un aggiornato diario, ci furono varie tappe con contatti con altre Comunità religiose presenti in quegli Stati; dopo 35 giorni di navigazione raggiunsero Shanghai, ospiti delle Suore di S. Vincenzo de’ Paoli, le prime arrivate in Cina.

Poi esse si avviarono, via ferrovia e poi con muli e palanchini, verso la meta finale, il tutto appassionatamente annotato sul suo diario. Giunsero finalmente a Tai-yuen-fu il 4 maggio 1899, dopo un’ulteriore viaggio di 52 giorni, oltre la traversata oceanica; accolte dal venerando mons. Gregorio Grassi, da alcuni padri francescani e da 200 orfanelle.

E le orfane furono l’impegno principale delle suore, che nell’attesa della costruzione di un promesso ospedale, organizzarono un ambulatorio, dispensando medicinali. La madre Fondatrice scrivendo e parlando di lei diceva: “Dobbiamo benedire il Cielo d’aver dato all’Istituto delle Francescane Missionarie di Maria, questa giovane Superiora, vero e raro modello di perfezione”.

Il 5 luglio 1900 i ‘Boxers’ arrivati nella cittadina, le imprigionarono tutte e sette e poi il 9 luglio 1900 le portarono con un inganno nel cortile del tribunale di Tai-yuen-fu, dove credevano di subire un processo e invece furono improvvisamente massacrate e decapitate a colpi di sciabolate, insieme agli altri missionari francescani e fedeli cinesi; erano state in Cina appena un anno e due mesi, sufficienti per donare il loro sangue innocente, a quella grande Nazione asiatica.

Autore: Antonio Borrelli


Also known as

Irma Grivot; Maria Ermellina di Gesù; Marie Hermine de Jésus; Mary Hermina of Jesus


9 July; 28 September as one of the Martyrs of China


Daughter of a cooper and a housekeeper. Irma was an active, affectionate, sensitive, intelligent but sickly child, and her education stopped at the elementary level. She felt drawn to religious life, but her family opposed it, She worked as a tutor to make her own way, and in 1894 she entered a pre-novitiate of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary at Vanves near Paris, France, then her novitiate at Les Châtelets in July, taking the name Marie Hermine de Jésus. Her poor health caused her to spend a longer than usual noviate, proving that she was capable of the rigors of missionary life. She served in her house by taking care of the accounts in Les Chatelets and Vanves, caring for the sick in Marseilles, and then as superior of the missionaries in Taiyuanfu. In 1898 she and six sisters were sent to the Shanxi diocese in China to serve the poor in hospitals, and care for the unwanted or other destitutes in orphanages. There they all died in one of the periodic crackdowns against foreign missionaries. One of the Martyrs of Shanxi and the Martyrs of China.


28 April 1866 in Beaune, France


beheaded on 9 July 1900 at Taiyuanfu, China


24 November 1946 by Pope Pius XII


1 October 2000 by Pope John Paul II


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is half my life. The other half consists in loving Jesus and winning souls for Him.

-Saint Mary

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