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프란치스칸 성인/성지

Blessed John Forest,Martyr,

First Order Franciscan.


복자 요한 포레스트

Beato Giovanni Forest Sacerdote dei Frati Minori, martire

Blessed John Forest, OFM M (AC)

Born:1471 at Oxford, England

Died:hanged and burned to death on 22 May 1538 at Smithfield, England;

a wooden statue of Saint Derfel, taken from a local church, was used in the fire,

supposedly fulfilling a local prophecy that the statue’s burning would destroy a forest;

John’s relics may still be in hiding in Smithfield

Beatified:9 December 1886 by Pope Leo XIII


요한은 17세 때 잉글랜드의 그린위치에 있는 프란치스꼬회에 입회하여, 옥스포드에서 공부하였다.

그는 학덕과 지혜가 뛰어난 수도자였다.

그린위치로 돌아온 그는 케서린 왕비와 헨리 8세의 고해 신부가 되었다.

헨리가 케서린과의 이혼을 원할 때, 그의 수도회가 반대하였기 때문에 박해를 이미 각오하고 있었다.

마침내 교황이 그의 이혼 신청을 거부하자 헨리는 그의 수도회를 박해하면서 그를 얼마동안 감옥에 가두었다.

기록상으로 그가 왕에게 굴복하여 자유를 얻었다고 되어 있으나,

사실은 뉴게이트의 꼰벤뚜알 수도원에 숨어 있다가 체포된 것이라고 한다.

수장령에 반대한 죄로 체포되었다.

그는 왕이 교회의 우두머리가 되는 것을 끝까지 반대하였다.

그가 화형을 당할 때, 성 데르펠(Saint Derfel)의 목각상과 함께 장렬히 순교하였다.


성 데르펠 가다른 은수자

St. Derfel Gadarn (RM)

축일:4월5일. 5세기경. 웰스 지방

전설에 의하면, 그는 위대한 윌쉬 군인이었는데,

국왕 아서가 살해된 캄란에서 싸운경력이 있을 정도로 용맹하였으나,

모든 것을 버리고 바르드시에서 은수자로 살았다.

그 후 거처를 옮겨 란드펠, 메리오네셔 및 웰스 지방에서 독수자로 살았는데,

그의 출중한 덕행이 널리 알려져서 방문객이 끊이질 않았다고 한다.

나무로 만들어 오랜동안 공경받아오던 그의 성상은 1538년,

스미스필드에서 성 요한 포레스트를 화형에 처할 때 화목으로 사용되어 없어졌다고 한다.


Christ crucified wih St. Francis and friars in compassion

덕행들에게 바치는 인사

여왕이신 지혜여, 기뻐하소서.

주께서 당신의 자매인 순수하고 거룩한 단순성과 함께 당신을 축복하시기를!

귀부인이신 거룩한 가난이여, 주께서 당신의 자매인 거룩한 겸손과 함께 당신을 축복하시기를!

귀부인이신 거룩한 사랑이여, 주께서 당신의 자매인 거룩한 순종과 함께 당신을 축복하시기를!

지극히 거룩한 덕행들이여, 여러분의 원천이신 주께서 여러분 모두를 축복하시기를!

온 세상 사람 그 누구도 먼저 자신이 죽지 않으면 여러분 중에 어느 하나라도 가질 수 없습니다.

한가지 덕을 가지고 있고 다른 덕을 거스르지 않는 사람은 모든 덕을 가지게 됩니다.

그러나 한가지 덕을 거스르는 사람은 하나도 가지지 못하고 모든 덕을 거스르게 됩니다.

그리고 어느 덕이든지 악습과 죄악을 부끄럽게 합니다.

거룩한 지혜는 사탄과 그의 모든 간계를 부끄럽게 합니다.

거룩하고 순수한 단순성은 이 세상의 모든 지혜와(참조: 1고린 2,6) 육신의 지혜를 부끄럽게 합니다.

거룩한 가난은 탐욕과 인색과 이 세상의 근심을 부끄럽게 합니다.

거룩한 겸손은 교만과 이 세상의 모든 사람을 부끄럽게 하고 세상에 있는 모든 것도 부끄럽게 합니다.

거룩한 사랑은 악마의 온갖 유혹과 온갖 육적인 유혹과 온갖 육적인 두려움을 부끄럽게 합니다(참조: 1요한 4,18).

거룩한 순종은 온갖 육신적이며 육적인 원의를 부끄럽게 합니다.

그리고 순종은 육이 영에 순종하고 자기 형제에게 순종하도록 육신을 제어합니다.

순종은 또한 사람으로 하여금 세상에 있는 모든 사람들뿐만 아니라,

모든 가축과 야수들에게까지 복종케 하고 그들 수중에 있게 합니다.

이렇게 될 때 주님이 하늘에서 허락하시는 한도 내에서 이것들은 사람에게 무엇이든지 마음대로 할 수 있을 것입니다.

- 성 프란치스코- (꼰벤뚜알프란치스코회홈에서)

*아시시의 성 프란치스코 축일:10월4일.게시판1403번.

*성프란치스코의 거룩한 상흔 축일:9월17일.게시판1369번.


Il Crocefisso di San Damiano

♬가난함을 주소서-임석수 작사.작곡

Beato Giovanni Forest Sacerdote dei Frati Minori, martire
22 maggio

+ Smithfield, Inghilterra, 22 maggio 1538
Beatificato il 29 dicembre 1886.

E' presente nel Martirologio Romano. A Londra in Inghilterra, beato Giovanni Forest, sacerdote dell’Ordine dei Frati Minori e martire, che subì il martirio sotto il re Enrico VIII per aver difeso l’unità della Chiesa cattolica, bruciato vivo sul rogo nella piazza di Smithfield insieme a delle sacre immagini lignee.
Aggiunto il 8-Jan-2000
Letto da 118 persone



22 May


Friar Minor of the Regular Observance at Greenwich while in his late teens. Studied theology at the Franciscan College at Oxford; known thereafter as "Doctor", though records of his degree have not survived. Priest and royal chaplain. Provincial of the order by 1525 when he threatened excommunication to those brothers who opposed Cardinal Wosley’s legatine powers. Confessor to Queen Catherine of Aragon, wife of King Henry VIII.

He thought he had convinced King Henry in 1529 not to suppress his order for their opposition to his divorce, but when Henry did not get his way, he suppressed the order and arrested John. Records show him preaching in November 1532 against the state pulling down churches, and of the authorities keeping a close watch on him. Arrested in 1534, he established a correspondence from Newgate to Queen Catherine and Blessed Thomas Abel. Wrote a treatise against King Henry’s ursurpation of power over the spiritual.

Sentenced to death on 8 April 1538 for refusing the oath acknowledging Henry’s primacy in spiritual matters. Martyr.


1471 at Oxford, England


hanged and burned to death on 22 May 1538 at Smithfield, England; a wooden statue of Saint Derfel, taken from a local church, was used in the fire, supposedly fulfilling a local prophecy that the statue’s burning would destroy a forest; John’s relics may still be in hiding in Smithfield


9 December 1886 by Pope Leo XIII



Blessed John Forest

Born in 1471, presumably at Oxford, where his surname was then not unknown; suffered 22 May, 1538. At the age of twenty he received the habit of St. Francis at Greenwich, in the church of the Friars Minor of the Regular Observance, called for brevity’s sake "Observants". Nine years later we find him at Oxford, studying theology. He is commonly styled "Doctor" though, beyond the steps which he took to qualify as bachelor of divinity, no positive proof of his further progress has been found. Afterwards he became one of Queen Catherine’s chaplains, and was appointed her confessor. In 1525 he appears to have been provincial, which seems certain from the fact that he threatened with excommunication the brethren who opposed Cardinal Wolsey’s legatine powers. Already in 1531 the Observants had incurred the king’s displeasure by their determined opposition to the divorce; and no wonder that Father Forest was soon singled out as an object of wrath In November, 1532, we find the holy man discoursing at Paul’s Cross on the decay of the realm and pulling down of churches. At the beginning of February, 1533 an attempt at reconciliation was made between him and Henry: but a couple of months later he left the neighbourood of London, where he was no longer safe. He was probably already in Newgate prison 1534, when Father Peto his famous sermon before the king at Greenwich. In his confinement Father Forest corresponded with the queen and Blessed Thomas Abel and wrote a book or treatise against Henry, which began with the text: "Neither doth any man take the honour to himself, but he that is called by God as Aaron was.

On 8 April, 1538, the holy friar was taken to Lambeth, where, before Cranmer, he was required to make an act of abjuration. This, however, he firmly refused to do; and it was then decided that the sentence of death should be carried out. On 22 May following he was taken to Smithfield to be burned. The statue of "Darvell Gatheren" which had been brought from the church of Llanderfel in Wales, was thrown on the pile of firewood; and thus, according to popular belief, was fulfilled an old prophecy, that this holy image would set a forest on fire. The holy man’s martyrdom lasted two hours, at the end of which the executioners threw him, together with the gibbet on which he hung, into the fire. Father Forest, together with fifty-three other English martyrs, was declared Blessed by Pope Leo XIII, on 9 December, 1886, and his feast is kept by the Friars Minor on 22 May. Some years ago rumour was current that the relics of the martyr had been taken to Spain, and were preserved at a residence of the Friars Minor somewhere in the north of that country. In 1904 the writer of this article made inquiries, to which the Provincial of Cantabria replied that the fathers there were not aware of the existence of the holy relics in any part of Spain, and that they thought the rumour was unfounded. It seems therefore most probable that the mortal remains of Father Forest still lie hidden at Smithfield, near the corner of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, opposite the gate of the ancient priory.

Derfel Gadarn (RM)

(also known as Derfel Cadarn or Derfel Gdarn)

5th or 6th century. According to legend, Saint Derfel was a great Welsh soldier who fought at the Battle of Camlan (537), where King Arthur was killed. He may have been a monk and abbot at Bardsey and later a solitary at Llanderfel, Merionethshire, Wales, thus becoming its founder and patron. A wooden statue of him mounted on a horse and holding a staff was greatly venerated in the church at Llanderfel until it was used for firewood in the burning of Blessed John Forest, Queen Catherine of Aragon’s confessor, at Smithfield, England.

In 1538, Dr. Ellis Price, Cromwell’s agent for the diocese of Saint Asaph, wrote to Cromwell about Derfel’s statue. He wanted to know how he should dispose of it, because "the people have so much trust in him that they come daily on pilgrimage to him with cows or horses or money, to the number of five or six hundred on April 5. The common saying was that whoever offered anything to this saint would be delivered out of hell by him." (We know that only Jesus Christ can save us from hell, but this testimony is an indication of the power of Derfel’s prayers.)

Cromwell ordered him to send it to London. The local people of Llanderfel paid Price a 40 pound bribe, but the statue was still removed. On May 22, 1438, John Forest of Greenwich was to be burnt for refusing the Oath of Supremacy. Just before his execution, Derfel’s "huge and great image" was brought to the gallows. A centuries-old Welsh prophecy had predicted that "this image should set a whole forest afire; which prophecy now took effect, for he set this friar Forest on fire and consumed him to nothing." The remains of Derfel’s staff and horse can be seen in Llanderfel (Attwater2, Benedictines, Delaney, Farmer).

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