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프란치스칸 성인/성지



복자 요한 베르첼리

Beato Giovanni Garbella da Vercelli Domenicano

Blessed John of Vercelli, OP (AC)

(also known as John Garbella)

1205 at Mosso Santa Maria, Italy as John Garbella -

September 1283 at Montpelier, France of natural causes;

buried at the Dominican convent at Montpelier;

his tomb was desecrated by Calvinists in 1562, and his body disappeared

Beatified:1903 by Pope Pius X (cultus confirmed)



그는 40세 때까지는 별로 알려지지 않았으나,

베르첼리에서 도미니꼬회의 원장으로 재직하면서 부터 그의 탁월한 능력이 돋보이기 시작하였다.

그는 여러 직책을 거쳐, 1264년에 선교회의 총장으로 선출되어, 19년 동안 눈부신 활동을 하였다.



그는 자신의 편지나 공문서에서 "가난한 작은 사람"으로 자신을 묘사하고,

수도자들을 항상 동료로 부를만큼 겸손하였다.


리용 공의회에서는 그가 예로니모 디 아스꼴리를 만났는데,

그는 프란치스꼬회의 총장을 역임했던, 그 당시의 고위 성직자였다.


Blessed John of Vercelli, OP (AC)

Patronage:Holy Name Society

(Confraternity of the Most Holy Name of God and Jesus)


또한 그는 예수 성명에 대한 뛰어난 신심을 전파한 사람으로 유명하고,

그레고리오 10세 교황은 그를 지원하여 이 신심의 보급을 위하여 헌신하였다.


그느 모든 도미니칸 성당에는 예수 성명 제대를 꾸미도록 하였고,

성 토마스 아퀴나스의 학식을 반박하는 사람들을 무마시키기 위하여

자기 회원들을 영국으로 파견한 적이 있다.



성 토마스 아퀴나스 축일:1월28일.게시판917번,1590번.






예수의 지극히 거룩한 이름 (THE HOLY NAME OF JESUS)
(축일:1월 3일, 게시판1550번)


1530 년 클레멘스 7 세에 의하여 인준되어 작은 형제회에서 1 월에 이 축일을 지내왔으며
1721 년부터는 인노첸시오 13 세에 의해서 전체 교회에 확산되었다. 
예수의 지극히 거룩한 이름에 대한 신심은 바로 "인류의 구세주"로서의 예수 그리스도 에 대한 신심으로
특별히 예수의 이름을 항상 존경과 애정을 가지고 그 이름을 선포하띠
특별히 유혹과 시련의 때에 그 이름의 힘에 확신을 가지고 호소함으로 힘과 위로를 얻는다.


예수의 지극히 거룩한 이름에 대한 신심을 전파한 이들은
시에나의 베르나르디노, 요한 까페스트라노, 마르카의 야고보, 가브리엘 페레또이며,
특히 이 신심의 주보 성인인 순회 설교자 시에나의 베르나르디노는
사도 여행 중에 항상 "예수"라고 쓰인 깃발을 들고 다녔으며 설교 중에 예수의 이름이 나올 때마다
 ISH라고 쓰인 휘장을 치켜들곤 하였다고 한다.
1969 년 개정된 로마 전례력에서는 이 축일이 삭제되었으나
그후 인준받은 프란치스칸 공통 전례력에는 기념으로 남 아 있게 되었다.
(작은형제회홈에서 www.ofm.or.kr)
*시에나의 성베르나르디노 사제 축일;5월20일.게시판1169번.1772번.
*성 요한 까페스트라노 사제 축일:10월23일.게시판714번,1434번.
*마르카의 성 야고보 수도자 축일:11월28일.게시판774번.1496번.
*복자 가브리엘 페레또 수도자 축일:11월12일.




♬sanctus-monastic chants-christdesert(Benedict)
















































Beato Giovanni Garbella da Vercelli Domenicano


1 dicembre

Mosso Santa Maria, 12..? - Montpellier, 1283


Nato nei primi anni del sec. XIII a Mosso s. Maria (Vc), conseguita brillantemente la laurea in diritto romano e canonico a Parigi, insegno a Parigi e poi a Vercelli. Qui nel 1229 entro nell’Ordine su consiglio del b. Giordano e fondo un convento di cui fu anche priore. Fu poi Vicario in Ungheria, priore di Bologna, provinciale di Lombardia e IV Maestro dell’Ordine nel 1264. In questa qualita provvide alla decorosa sistemazione della tomba di s. Domenico. Fu operatore di pace tra le citta italiane, legato papale in Francia e in Castiglia e consigliere di papa Clemente IV. Religioso austero e paterno, attese al consolidamento dell’Ordine. Fu legato da profonda amicizia con s. Tommaso di cui venero la memoria e segui la dottrina. Fu sempre sereno nelle difficolta della vita, convinto che Dio e onnipotente ed e nostro amico. Mori a Montpellier il 29 novembre.


Giovanni Garbella, detto da Vercelli, entro nell’Ordine dei Predicatori nel 1229, conquistato dalla persuasiva eloquenza di Giordano di Sassonia, successore di San Domenico. Egli aveva studiato a Parigi acquistando una cultura varia e profonda. Ricevette la sua formazione religiosa nel Convento di Bologna, dove sulla tomba del glorioso Patriarca attinse quell’indomabile zelo e quella robusta santita, che fecero di lui una delle piu belle e caratteristiche figure di Frate Predicatore. La prudenza e la fermezza, l’energia e la piu amabile moderazione, l’amore ardentissimo di Dio e delle anime, lo resero mirabilmente adatto alle piu delicate e difficili mansioni, dentro e fuori dell’Ordine. Papa Innocenzo IV e i suoi successori ebbero in lui illimitata fiducia, e fin nella piu tarda eta gli affidarono importantissimi e spinosi incarichi. Fu Ambasciatore a Venezia, Genova, Pisa, Firenze, Bologna. Legato Pontificio alle corti di Francia e Castiglia, Consigliere di Papa Clemente IV. Fu il grande pacificatore tra le Repubbliche italiane e i Principi d’Europa e uno dei piu attivi organizzatori della Crociata. Poco manco non fosse assunto al Supremo Pontificato, da quanta alta stima era tenuto in considerazione. Dal 1264, per vent’anni, governo l’Ordine come Maestro Generale, mantenendolo nel suo splendore e consolidando l’opera potente dei suoi predecessori. Visito continuamente le piu lontane Provincie, e i suoi interminabili viaggi a piedi sono rimasti leggendari. Monumento imperituro della sua sapienza sono le 21 Lettere encicliche conservate negli Atti dei Capitoli Generali. Mori il 30 novembre 1283 nel convento di Montpellier. Le sue reliquie, deposte nella locale chiesa dei Domenicani, furono disperse dagli eretici nel XVI° Secolo. Il Pontefice San Pio X il 7 settembre 1903 ha confermato il culto.


Autore: Franco Mariani





JOHN of Vercelli


Also known as

John Garbella


1 December


Studied at the University of Paris. Doctor of civil and canon law. Taught law at Paris and Vercelli. Helped found a university in Vercelli.

Dominican Friar Preacher, joining in Vercelli, and receiving the habit from Blessed Jordan of Saxony, whose preaching had brought him to the Order. Transferred to Bologna to study about the Order and for the priesthood. Ordained in 1229. Noted preacher in Bologna.


Returned to Vercelli in 1232 to establish a Dominican priory, and serve as its superior. Peacemaker between Venice and other Papal States. Prior of the Dominican house in Bologna, and spiritual director to its nuns. Dominican Provincial of Lombardy in 1257. Fought heresies in northern Italy. Friend of Saint Louis IX, and often consulted Saint Thomas Aquinas on theological matters.


Master-general of the Dominicans from 1264-1283. Insured uniform liturgical celebration throughout the Order. Served at the papal court of Pope Clement IV. Considered for the papacy after Clement’s death; when he learned of this, he fled the city. Pope Gregory X was elected instead.


Papal legate. Peacemaker between Venice and Genoa. Peacemaker between France and Castille. Commissioned by the pope to draw up the schema for the 2nd Council of Lyons, and actively participated in the Council. In 1274 he founded what eventually became the Holy Name Society (Confraternity of the Most Holy Name of God and Jesus). Appointed archbishop of Jerusalem in 1278, but begged to be released from the responsibility citing advanced age, ill health, and the need for strong, vital leadership in the war-ravaged region.


Tradition says that during the translation of the relics of Saint Dominic 1267, when the body was exposed to view, the head was seen to turn towards Blessed John. Embarrassed, John moved to another part of the church, giving his place to a cardinal. The head of Saint Dominic was seen by all to turn again toward John.


1205 at Mosso Santa Maria, Italy as John Garbella


September 1283 at Montpelier, France of natural causes; buried at the Dominican convent at Montpelier; his tomb was desecrated by Calvinists in 1562, and his body disappeared


1903 by Pope Pius X (cultus confirmed)


Holy Name Society


God of power and mercy, you made Blessed John an outstanding promoter of the order of Preachers. By his remarkable zeal, his wonderful prudence and his courage, and with the help of his prayers may your family always and everywhere be governed by beneficial rule. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. - General Calendar of the Order of Preachers


Watch the little things. He who grows careless in little things, little by little falls. He who does not push himself to make progress, goes backward.


-Blessed John, writing to his priests


Desirous of protecting the honor of God, of obeying this apostolic command, and of promoting in our neighbor an increase in devotion, we beseech you to stir up your zeal to the end that you personally see to it that this request of the Holy Father receives full compliance by having your subjects preach with convincing arguments and with scrupulous diligence the need for reverencing the Holy Name.


-Blessed John, writing on the creation of the Holy Name Society






Lord, have mercy on us.

    Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us.

    Jesus, hear us.

Jesus, graciously hear us.

God, the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.

God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.

God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.

Jesus, son of the living God, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, splendor of the Father, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, brightness of eternal light, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, King of glory, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, sun of justice, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, Son of the Virgin Mary, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, amiable, Have mercy on us.

Jesus Admirable, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, mighty God, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, Father of the world to come, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, Angel of the great counsel, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, most powerful, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, most patient, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, most obedient, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, meek and humble of heart, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, love of chastity, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, lover of us, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, God of peace, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, author of life, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, example of virtues, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, zealous lover of souls, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, our God, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, our refuge, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, father of the poor, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, treasure of the faithful, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, good shepherd, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, true light, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, eternal wisdom, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, infinite goodness, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, our way and our life, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, joy of Angels, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, king of Patriarchs, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, master of Apostles, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, teacher of Evangelists, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, strength of Martyrs, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, light of Confessors, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, purity of Virgins, Have mercy on us.

Jesus, crown of All Saints, Have mercy on us.

Be merciful unto us, Spare us, O Jesus.

Be merciful unto us, Hear us, of Jesus.

From all evil, Jesus, deliver us.

From all sin, Jesus, deliver us.

From Thy wrath, Jesus, deliver us.

From the snares of the devil, Jesus, deliver us.

From the spirit of fornication, Jesus, deliver us.

From everlasting death, Jesus, deliver us.

From the neglect of Thy inspirations, Jesus, deliver us.

Through the mystery of Thy holy Incarnation, Jesus, deliver us.

Through Thy Nativity, Jesus, deliver us.

Through Thine infancy, Jesus, deliver us.

Through Thy most divine life, Jesus, deliver us.

Through Thy labors, Jesus, deliver us.

Through Thine Agony and Passion, Jesus, deliver us.

Through Thy Cross and dereliction, Jesus, deliver us.

Through Thy sufferings, Jesus, deliver us.

Through Thy death and burial, Jesus, deliver us.

Through Thy Resurrection, Jesus, deliver us.

Through Thine Ascension, Jesus, deliver us.

Through Thine institution of holy Eucharist, Jesus, deliver us.

Through Thy joys, Jesus, deliver us.

Through Thy glory, Jesus, deliver us.

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Jesus, spare us.

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Jesus, graciously hear us.

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Jesus have mercy on us.

Jesus, hear us.

Jesus, graciously hear us.

Let Us Pray

O LORD JESUS CHRIST, who hast said, Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you, mercifully attend to our supplication, and grant us, we pray, the gift of Thy divine love, that we may ever love Thee, with our whole heart, and never desist from Thy praise. Give us, O Lord, a perpetual fear as well as love of Thy Holy Name, for Thou never ceasest to govern those whom Thou foundest upon the solidity of Thy love. Who livest and reignest world without end. Amen.



God our Father, You raised Blessed John of Vercelli to leadership in Your church and made him an apostle of the Holy Name of Jesus, Your divine Son. We ask of you, through the intercession of Blessed John, a renewal of devotion to Your son among ourselves and our fellow men. May all men come to know, to love and to reverence the most Holy Name of Jesus -- "So that at Jesus’ name every knee must bend in the heavens, on the earth, and under the earth, and every tongue proclaim to the glory of God the Father: JESUS CHRIST IS LORD" (Phil.P:lO-ll)


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